Dementia Care In The Community

Here are some tips, prepared in handy PDF formats, for caregivers on how they can offer care to their loved ones who wish to continue staying in the community and enjoy their regular activities.

Some Scenarios

When Your Loved One Lives Alone

Persons with dementia in the early stage may choose to live alone so as to maintain their independence for as long as possible, or simply to remain in a familiar place. As the dementia progresses to moderate and advanced dementia, you may need to make alternate living arrangements.

Download here: When Your Loved One Lives Alone

When Relatives and Friends Visit

Sometimes your loved one may have forgotten who you are, and they may develop anxiety from trying to recall their memory. Here are some tips you can share with relatives and friends who visit your loved one.

Download here: When Relatives and Friends Visit

Participating in Festivities

Festivities are typically a time for joy and celebration, but they might present as a stressful time for both caregivers and persons with dementia due to a disruption in their usual routine. Here are some practical tips on how you can make the time an enjoyable one for all family members.

Download here: Participating in Festivities

Taking Public Transportation

Having an easily accessible transportation system enables persons with dementia to stay connected to their friends, families, and community. It also provides access to healthcare. This guide will share some advice on taking public transportation safely.

Download here: Taking Public Transportation

Preparing for a Visit to the Doctor

As a caregiver, you may find it helpful to keep a diary that keeps track of signs and symptoms experienced by your loved one. Besides using it to note down your concerns, a diary will also help the doctor in keeping track and administering a more tailored treatment plan. Learn about more useful tips here.

Download here: Preparing for a Visit to the Doctor

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