How Can I Get A Diagnosis?

Mental Health professionals diagnose mental health conditions using a manual called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V). In order to make a diagnosis, they will need to conduct different psychological evaluations or assessments. They may ask you about the symptoms you are experiencing, your thoughts, feelings and behaviours or even ask you to fill out a questionnaire.

Mood & Dementia Screening

Mood and Dementia screenings are conducted across Singapore as part of the Community Network for Seniors initiative. You may also approach any of the Community Outreach Teams to conduct screening. Click here to find out the list of Community Outreach Teams.

You may also visit – Mental Health Self Assessment Tool, which provides you with a set of recommended actions based on your assessed level of stress and anxiety. Individuals are also able to chat with Wysa, an emotionally intelligent AI chatbot, and access a wide range of self-management and CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) exercises on the platform (only available for people living in Singapore). Click here to access Mindline now.

Where Can I Seek Help If I Have A Mental Health Issue?

Persons with mental health conditions are well supported to stay integrated in your community, where you can live, work and age with your loved ones. This is made possible through the wide range of care services and teams that support you at home, and empower you to manage your conditions. Caregivers are also given the help needed to cope with your responsibilities. You can seek diagnosis at the GPs, Polyclinics and restructured hospitals, or get screened and assessed by Community Mental Health Partners.

Learn more about the programmes and initiatives in the community, such as clinics, centres and nursing homes, that persons with mental health conditions and their caregivers may turn to for help. For service information, linkage and resources on mental health or caregiving, email us at

You can also learn more by watching these videos:

Programmes And Initiatives In The Community

Consult a General Practitioner or Polyclinic Doctor to provide diagnosis

To seek mental health diagnosis, you may visit your nearby General Practitioners (GPs) and doctors in polyclinics. Besides being sited in a less stigmatising environment, you can seek holistic treatment for both your mental health and chronic health conditions.

Services provided include:

  • Consultations, diagnosis and treatment for clients with physical health needs and mild to moderate mental health conditions
  • Co-management through team-based approach involving medical and allied health services.

Click here to find out the list of General Practitioners and Polyclinics that provide mental health services near you.

Community Outreach Teams (CREST – Community Resource Engagement and Support Team) & Community Intervention Teams (COMIT)

Get in touch with the Community Outreach Team who can provide screening or approach a Community Intervention Team for an assessment. Other than raising public awareness of mental wellness, the Community Outreach Teams (CREST) provide screening to promote the recognition of early signs and symptoms of mental health conditions at your home. If you need any emotional support or need to be linked up with other services, they will be able to support you.

Community Intervention Teams (COMIT) are based in the community through Social Service Agencies (SSAs) to provide a holistic service focused on improving quality of life for clients with mental health issues and dementia, and their caregivers. Clients and their caregivers are equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions for the management of their condition. COMIT teams support persons with mental health conditions with social reintegration through psychosocial interventions and case management services.

For caregivers, the services provide them with in-depth information about mental illness, and coping skills to provide support for clients. They also learn how to self-care, receive emotional support, and become empowered in their caregiving journey.

Each COMIT team comprises a multi-disciplinary team of counsellors, occupational therapists, psychologists, nurses and programme coordinators.

Services provided include:

  • Perform needs assessments of clients and caregivers
  • Develop individualised care plans for clients and caregivers in the community, in collaboration with health and social care providers
  • Counselling and other psychosocial therapy for clients and caregivers
  • Home visits for assessment and follow up support for clients and caregivers in the community
  • Post-discharge support for continuity of care in the community
  • Provide case management, care coordination and service linkages for clients and caregivers to appropriate services based on their needs
  • Training and outreach to improve awareness and understanding of mental disorders for the general public

Click here to find out the list of CREST and COMIT providers near you.

Assessment and Shared Care Team (ASCAT/Shared care)

ASCAT, also known as Assessment and Shared Care Teams, are specialists from the hospitals. It comprises a multi-disciplinary team with psychiatrists or mental health doctors and allied health professionals including nurses and therapists, who provide diagnosis, treatment and care for clients from moderate to severe mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and sleeping disorders. The clients’ health (e.g. chronic conditions and mental health) can be managed holistically within the community instead of in different care settings. The mental health component will include mental health assessment, medication, psychotherapy and any other intervention where appropriate as provided by a multi-disciplinary team.

ASCAT provides the following:

  • Provide clinical care, assessment, diagnosis, stabilization and treatment for clients with mental conditions
  • Build capability of providers including primary care physicians for example, GPs and community agencies to provide quality mental health care through training and professional support
  • Develop community support initiatives and provide clinical leadership in the development of integrated community mental health network

Other Community Programmes

Senior Care Centres
  • Provide non-residential nursing care for clients
  • One-stop facilities integrating day care, community rehabilitation and nursing or dementia care
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Homes
  • Provides a period of residential-based rehabilitation for clients with stabilised mental health conditions, as they prepare for community reintegration
Psychiatric Sheltered Homes
  • Short-term accommodation and low-level care (such as emotional support) for clients who are ready and preparing to integrate back into the community
Psychiatric Day Care Centres
  • Provides structured rehabilitation programmes on vocational and psychosocial support
  • Reintegration into the community by helping clients improve the management of their conditions and realise their potential
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Homes
  • Provides a period of residential-based rehabilitation for clients with stabilised mental health conditions, as they prepare for community reintegration
Group Homes
  • Provides case management through cluster support for seniors living together

You may also click here to access the directory of registered psychologists.

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