Training For Caregivers

Caregiving is a constant learning experience. If you have never been a caregiver before, you may feel stressed or unprepared to take care of your loved one. There are knowledge and skills which you can learn to create a safe and supportive environment for your loved one. Training can be conducted at your home or at training facilities.

Skills You Can Learn via Caregiver Training

Typical subjects covered in such training may include:

  • Recognising early warning signs of health issues and illnesses (such as dementia), how to check for basic vital signs and management of chronic illnesses.
  • Courses relating to specific diseases like Dementia and Stroke.
  • Personal care techniques, including proper bathing techniques and lift-and-carry technique
  • Nursing skills like tube feeding, catheter care, and tracheostomy care.
  • Courses on emotional coping: How to access and take advantage of local resources for both the caregiver and the care recipient Maintaining one’s health and wellbeing as a caregiver.

To support new caregivers in your journey, AIC has developed these comprehensive courses.

ABCs of Caregiving

The sets of A, B, or C courses are individually designed to suit the appropriate care needs of your loved one who is frail but Ambulant (Set A), or Bedbound (Set B), or wheelChair bound (Set C).

Based on your choice, you may sign up for any of the 4-hour course to learn how to support the respective general caregiving needs according to their mobility status. Each course is designed to equip caregivers with practical knowledge and techniques to provide safe and optimal personal care. Examples of general caregiving topics include assisting in Activities of Daily Living, safe eldercare practices such as fall prevention, administration of medication, emergency preparedness and other topics essential for providing caregiving in home setting. Learn more.

Basic Eldercare Course

This course is designed for comprehensive learning at basic level suited for the higher care needs of your loved ones who may be frail with functional dependence associated with their advance age and/or health condition.

The training duration of 17 hours allows for more in-depth learning of knowledge and practice of skills designed for assisting in Activities of Daily Living, safe and optimal eldercare practices such as fall prevention, administration of medication emergency preparedness and other topics essential for providing personal care in the home setting. Learn more.

Sign Up for Caregiver Training

Sign up for caregiver training to help you better care for your loved ones. Choose based on the topic, provider, even the mode of learning that best meets your needs. The list of courses available under the Caregivers Training Grant can be found here.

Caregiver Training Support Schemes

Caregiving Training Grant

If you are currently caring for a loved one, you may apply for the Caregivers Training Grant (CTG), this grant provides annual subsidies that enable eligible caregivers to attend approved courses to better care for their loved ones.

Eldercarer Foreign Domestic Worker Scheme

The Eldercarer Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) Scheme enables you to hire a pre-trained FDW who has undergone comprehensive training in eldercare. This ensures your FDW is equipped with the basic skills to care for your loved one. Learn more.

Other Financial Assistances & Support
  • There are other financial assistances provided such as Daily Assistance Living, Mobility Assistance and Medical Fees Assistance. Find out more here.
  • Besides visiting our Financial Assistance section to learn about financial support for seniors and caregivers, here are some additional areas of support.
  • If you or a family member have a disability, you can receive financial aid and other assistance here.
  • For other financial assistance and schemes, find out here.

Further Reading

Find out more about mental health learnings here.

Caregiving Guides

Besides training, there are guides where you can gain knowledge on caregiving too.

You can find other guides here.

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