The Community Care Awards platform recognises and celebrates the outstanding achievements of individuals and organisations dedicated to the Community Care sector.
As one of the Community Care Awards, the annual Community Care Excellence Awards aim to recognise the contributions of individuals who have demonstrated exemplary service and commitment in delivering quality care as well as project teams that have embarked on outstanding quality improvement projects within the Community Care sector. CCEA was first introduced by the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) in 2014.
Individual Awards
The Community Care Excellence Awards – Individual Award recognises outstanding individuals who have displayed excellent service standards and made significant contributions both within and outside of their organisation.
Winners (Year 2024)
Download the list of Individual Award winners here.
Team Awards
The Community Care Excellence Awards – Team Award acknowledges outstanding quality improvement projects and initiatives implemented in community care organisations.
There are 3 categories of awards:
a. Clinical Quality Improvement Award: This award recognises outstanding projects that improve clinical care processes, patients/clients’ clinical outcome or safety. Project scope may include, but is not limited to, infection control, hand hygiene, falls prevention, skin care, urinary continence care, etc.
b. Client Experience Improvement Award: This award recognises outstanding projects that improve client/staff experience and satisfaction (improving quality of food, patient-centred care and dementia friendly initiatives). Project scope may include, but is not limited to, meals improvement initiatives, wellness initiatives, recreational and social activities (music, art, creative movement, tai chi etc).
c. Productivity Improvement Award: This award recognises outstanding projects that create positive productivity impacts that lead to savings in operating cost or improvement in efficiency. Project scope may include, but is not limited to, 6S and lean project, enhanced efficiency of discharge process, improved storage and replenishment of medication process, etc. Organisations must demonstrate how the process improvement has led to a significant productivity improvement impact.
Winners (Year 2024)
Download the list of Team Award winners here.
If you have further queries, please contact the CCEA Secretariat at excellence.awards@aic.sg.
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