In Recognition of Our Community Care Heroes
Every day, thousands of Community Care professionals work selflessly. They look after our seniors, lend strength to the less able, and give light to those who need it. Here are some ways we show our appreciation for their efforts.
Community Care Day
On November 1, we celebrate Community Care Day – a day to recognise and appreciate the hard work and dedication of all who work in the Community Care sector.
Community Care Awards
The Community Care Awards platform recognises and celebrates the outstanding achievements of individuals and organisations dedicated to the Community Care sector.
It encompasses the following Awards:
Community Care Excellence Awards
The Community Care Excellence Awards shine a spotlight on staff and best practices within the sector.
Community Care Manpower Development Awards
The Community Care Manpower Development Awards applaud individuals in their quest to train and upskill, ensuring a skilled workforce.
Friends of Community Care Awards
The Friends of Community Care Awards express gratitude to corporate partners and sponsors for their invaluable support in strengthening the sector.