The Community Care Skills Standards Framework (CCSSF) aims to articulate clear skills standards required for these enhanced job roles of support care staff, and to provide a more skill-based career progression pathway to attract and retain locals in the Community Care sector.

Community Care Skills Standards Framework (CCSSF)

Community Care Skills Standards Framework (CCSSF) is designed and developed to:

  1. Clarity of Job Scope
    – To reflect the skills required for each role
  2. Incorporate Technology & Automation
    – To improve productivity; smarter, more efficient jobs
  3. Set Appropriate Pay Benchmarks
    – Renumerate skills-based jobs at the right level through job-sizing
  4. Greater Support for Healthcare Professionals
    – Support Care staff are better skilled to allow professionals to practise top of their license
  5. More Attractive Sector for Job Seekers
    – Clearer career progression pathways for support care jobs
    – Certification pathway & progressive wage model for ILTC
  6. Transformation of Care
    – Delegate more clinical responsibilities to Support Care staff
    – Re-evaluation on staffing ratio (from no. of staff to quality of staff)

It aims to:

  1. Support industry growth
    – Build a pipeline of local workers to grow the Singapore core in the Community Care sector
  2. Raise industry standards
    – Develop sectoral competency framework to drive skills standards in training and career pathways
  3. Advance Lifelong Learning
    – Provide Community Care workforce with the opportunities to develop their fullest potential in their career pathways
  4. Promote and brand Community Care sector as sunrise industry
    – Elevate the top of the mind awareness of good and stable job opportunities

Community Care Skills Standards Framework (CCSSF) can be used to:

Develop a common reference for all Community Care skills and competencies to address the needs of:

  1. Employees
    – To invest in skills training
  2. Employers
    – To recognise, develop & use skills
  3. Educational & Training Providers
    – To respond effectively to industry needs
  4. Government, Professional Bodies
    – To diagnose & address skills gaps
Community Care Skills Standards Framework (CCSSF) Catalogue

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