New Eldercare Facilities, Innovative Services

We are expanding the Eldercare Sector!

Active Ageing Centres and Senior Care Centres

We are expanding the reach of Active Ageing Centres (AAC) and Senior Care Centres (SCC) so that Seniors can be supported by an AAC / SCC near them. AIC is constantly on the lookout for partners and sites that can extend the reach of AACs / SCCs.

We are actively seeking partners who may have suitable sites that will make AACs / SCCs more easily accessible to Seniors. These sites should be:

  • within close proximity to residential area and community amenities;
  • easily accessible by public transport;
  • comply with space usage related to healthcare facilities;
  • economically viable; and
  • space size between 200 and 700sqm.

If your organisation has experience running AACs / SCCs and has a suitable site for an eldercare facility and in the following areas, please contact AIC for further exploration:

  • Within 1km from Pioneer MRT station
  • Within 1km from Tampines West MRT station
  • Within the area between Yishun MRT station and Nee Soon East Community Club
  • Within 1km from Bukit Batok Community Club
  • Within 1km from Kangkar LRT station

New Services

Shared Stay-in Senior Care Services Sandbox

As our population ages and family sizes shrink, more seniors are projected to live alone. In particular, we need to pay close attention to the risk of social isolation, which will play a role in causing the health of seniors to deteriorate and frailty to set in quicker. With the objective of supporting seniors to age confidently at home and in their communities, MOH has launched a sandbox to explore feasibility and viability of models where a migrant worker provides stay-in care for a few seniors in a residence/ development. One key aim of such a model is to provide seniors, and/ or their families greater assurance of round-the-clock support.

Details of the participating providers are as follow:

Sandbox providers

Together, we can create a comprehensive network of eldercare facilities for our seniors!

Learn More

Return to the Partners’ Portal here.

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Sat: 8:30 am – 4.00 pm


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