The incidence of chronic wounds has grown exponentially in ageing societies worldwide. In Singapore, chronic wounds impact at least 150,000 patients annually.

As Singapore edges towards becoming a super-aged society by 2026, the need to manage chronic wounds in the community and Intermediate and Long-Term Care (ILTC) facilities is ever more pressing.

Chronic wounds are typically defined as those that do not heal within four weeks. The four most common types are pressure injuries, diabetic foot ulcers, chronic venous ulcers, and arterial leg ulcers.

Wound healing is influenced by several factors, including comorbidities such as diabetes, venous or arterial disease, infections, and the metabolic deficiencies associated with old age.

The impact on patients with chronic wounds can be profound. Prolonged suffering often leads to anxiety and distress. If not properly treated, these wounds can result in severe infections, hospitalisations, amputations, and even death in the worst cases.

Empowering Healthcare Professionals

Recognising the need to improve and streamline care for patients with chronic wounds, St Luke’s Hospital (SLH) regularly conduct wound care courses such as the Wound Debridement and Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT). These courses aim to educate healthcare professionals in addressing this growing need in Singapore.

Wound debridement is a critical procedure in wound management that involves the removal of necrotic tissue, bacteria, and senescent cells from the wound bed, thereby facilitating the healing process.

This can help to reduce the risk of infection, promote the formation of healthy tissue, and enhance the effectiveness of other wound care treatments such as NPWT, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and reduced healing time.

Staff Nurse Low Peck Khee from Tzu Chi Foundation shared, “The course delivered great insights combined with practical, hands-on experience. The practical sessions were especially valuable, allowing us to directly apply and refine the skills we learned, making the training highly relevant and impactful.”

Nurse Manager Brent Jeremy Lacambra from Thye Hwa Kwan Hospital shared that the Wound Debridement course had far exceeded his expectations.

“The course was extremely hands-on, allowing us to immediately engage with the essential techniques and procedures for effective wound debridement. This course is highly beneficial for any nurse looking to enhance their wound care skills. Whether you are new to wound debridement or aiming to refine your techniques, the hands-on approach and expert instruction will undoubtedly elevate your practice.”

Available Wound Courses at St Luke’s Hospital:

With Wound Care as one of its specialised areas of care, St Luke’s Hospital continues its commitment to fostering advanced healthcare education with a spectrum of wound care courses. Designed for healthcare professionals at various levels, these courses offer advanced knowledge and skills crucial for holistic wound care management.

Wound Course (Basic) – $340.00, 16 hours, Blended

A wound neglected is a wound infected. Join this course to be equipped with advanced knowledge and skills in wound care to provide holistic wound care for patients. You will:

  • Gain skills in wound assessment and evidence-based knowledge of wound management techniques.
  • Be up-to-date on the latest wound care products.
  • Be empowered to provide holistic wound care for patients.

Click here for more information.

Wound Course (Intermediate) – $3,500.00, 56 hours, Face-to-face

If you’re already familiar with the basics of wound management and want to level up your knowledge and skills, this intermediate course might be what you’re looking for. It is accredited by the European Wound Management Association.

You will learn:

  • Skills in wound assessment and evidence-based knowledge of wound management techniques
  • Up-to-date knowledge on latest wound care products
  • How to provide holistic wound care for patients

Click here for more information.

Wound Debridement (Advanced) – $730.00, 8 hours, Face-to-face

Wound bed preparation is essential to aid in the wound healing process. Removing non-viable tissue from a wound bed is fundamental to wound care. However, experienced and trained healthcare providers can only undertake conservative wound debridement.

This course equips registered nurses involved in wound care with advanced knowledge and skills to perform wound debridement.

Click here for more information.

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (Intermediate) – $310, 8 hours, Face-to-face

Implementing negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) for both surgical and chronic wounds is widely available in healthcare institutions and home care settings. It helps promote wound healing through contraction and thus reduces the length of hospital stay.

  • Outline the purpose of NPWT
  • Identify the cautions of using NPWT
  • Outline the features and functions of the device
  • Demonstrate the technique of correct application of NPWT

Click here for more information.

Management of Common Skin Injuries (Basic) – $175.00, 4 hours, Blended

A course designed to provide learners with basic knowledge and skills necessary to perform skin care for clients and maintain healthy skin condition. The course will also focus on the prevention and management of common skin injuries, such as pressure injuries, skin tears and incontinence associated dermatitis. Throughout the course, participants will have the opportunity to practice their skills through hands-on activities and group discussions.

Click here for more information.

Yvonne Lau, Head of St Luke’s Academy and St Luke’s Community Wound Centre, highlighted the critical importance of education and training in fortifying the healthcare community’s expertise. “Our goal is to elevate patient care, minimise complications, and improve overall health outcomes by equipping healthcare professionals with essential skills and knowledge.”

Beyond training courses, St Luke’s Hospital also offers wound care consultancy and management services through a dedicated team of wound clinicians. Please contact us at or call 6895 2782 for more information.

Visit the AIC’s Learning Network Course Marketplace website for the complete list of courses available from SLH. Under the “All Learning Institutes” drop-down list, select “Learning Institute – St Luke’s Hospital (SLH)”.


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