Sector Landscape Review


What is Sector Landscape Review?

We envisage Community Care partners in every sub-region to work in concert to support Seniors to age well. For Seniors who are well, Partners work together to keep them well, socially engaged and contributing to the community. Seniors-at-risk will be identified by Partners earlier and linked to preventive interventions to improve their health or delay frailty. Seniors who need long-term care services will have a main contact person to partner them in their care journey. The contact person from the Providers will assess their care needs, develop a comprehensive Long-term Care (LTC) plan and, activate services to implement the LTC plan.

To improve how we organise and deliver care to support Seniors, an Integrated Community Care Provider (ICCP) (comprising single or group of providers) will be appointed to coordinate care and deliver a suite of baseline services. These services include activities to support active ageing, day care, rehabilitation and support for Activities of Daily Living(ADL)/Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (iADL), typically operated by Active Ageing Centre (AAC), Senior Care Centre (SCC), Enhanced Home Personal Care (HPC+) and Home Therapy (HT) Providers.

The ICCP will serve Seniors in the sub-region, keeping them well and active in the community. When Seniors require care services, the ICCP will conduct a care assessment to identify needs, develop a long-term care plan, and ensure that care needs are addressed. To do this, the ICCP works with Providers in the sub-region to provide the services needed by the senior and pulls in services outside the sub-region where needed.

Resources on SLR

ICCP Guide Document 

Sub-region Finder – Tool to help search for the AAC and SCC Providers in your sub-region


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